Geofiltration regularities in the areas loaded by gravitation in tailings and waste rock dumps

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V.I. Timoshchuk, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engeneering Geology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ye.A. Sherstyuk, Postgraduate Student, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engeneering Geology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To identify the features of formation of the hydrodynamic regime on an area involved into mining industry; to estimate the impact of the hydrodynamic regime on the stressed state of the surrounding area.

Methodology. Study of ground water flow characteristics in the gravitationally loaded area of rock mass has been performed through formulating and carrying out of calculating experiments using a numerical finite difference model of filtration.

Findings. The features of ground water flow have been determined for the top layers of the rock in dump tailing areas by numerical simulation using the 3D model reproducing ground water flow within aquifers and confining layers. The impact of the hydrodynamic regime formed in the gravitationally loaded rock on geomechanical conditions of the territory affected by mining industry has been determined.

Originality. The effect of changes in the stressed state of the gravitationally loaded rock and its permeability on redistribution of the flow balance components in the area of tailings and tailing dumps has been established. The discovered features of formation of the hydrodynamic regime on the studied areas determine the direction and nature of negative engineering and geological processes within the territories affected by the industrial facilities.

Practical value. The research results form the basis for predicting the negative hydrodynamic and geomechanical processes in the zone affected by mining industry and for substantiation of protective engineering measures as well.


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