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mineworks-image"M I N E W O R K S" is an electronic catalog of mining equipment with the possibility of selection models under given mining-geological and technical conditions, compare the characteristics of models with each other, and perform mining engineering calculations



Educational-scientific-industrial portal “Rudana”. The first Ukrainian educational, scientific and industrial portal that units interests of wide circles of workers, researchers, students, pupils and all people who are interested in the past, the present and the future of mining business all over the world.


"Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies". The scientific and technical journal was found in 2003 in Ukraine. The journal publishes research articles in the following fields of science: Information Technology, Control Systems, Physics and New Materials, Ecology, Mathematics, Cybernetics, Industrial Technology (mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and chemical technology).






Tekhnichna elektrodynamikaThe journal publishes original results of researches in such fields as: theoretical electrical engineering and electrophysics, transformation of electric power parameters; electromechanical en-ergy conversion; power grids and equipments; electrical and electrotechnical devices and complexes; information-measuring systems in electric power engineering.


In the journal “Transactions of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Science and InnovationSeries” the information about scientific articles, materials, conferences, symposiums, and scientific schools concerning the promising directions of the development of science and technologies, production and innovation activity, international collaboration etc. in the Republic of Azerbaijan and other countries, and generally speaking, about the events that are happen in scientific life are being published. The journal was entered in the “List of Scientific Publications Recommended for Publishing of Dissertations’ Main Conclusions in the Republic of Azerbaijan” by Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Science Citation Indexdatabase.

The journal consists of several subject sections: science, technique and technologies, innovation activity, exhibitions and international relations, official and normative-legal information, news in the domain of science and technologies.



Journal of Sustainable Mining (J. Sust. Min.) is a reviewed scientific journal published by the Central Mining Institute in Katowice (Poland).
J. Sust. Min. is addressed to the international scientific environment interested in the key problems of modern mining. The journal informs about the directions and results of researches carried out in the area of mining sciences. The reference original version of J. Sust. Min. is the online version in English. The current publishing of articles on the website ensures a quick entry of publications into the circulation of scientific information. Each published article is reviewed by two independent reviewers. From 2013 r., the Editor of J. Sust. Min. cooperate with the reviewers from Poland, India, Australia, Spain, Ukraine, the United States, Latvia, England, Japan and Canada. The Editor of J. Sust. Min. Is implementing the development strategy from 2013. The undertaken measures should result in the increase of the number of citations, which should lead to achieving the Impact Factor by Journal of Sustainable Mining.
The Editor of Journal of Sustainable Mining invites to read the magazine as well as to cooperate within publishing and reviewing the articles.


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Registration data

ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
Journal was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Registration number КВ No.17742-6592PR dated April 27, 2011.


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