Requirements to authors

Submission requirements

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The journal admits articles in Ukrainian (for authors from Ukraine), Russian (for authors from Kazakhstan and other CIS countries) or English (for other foreign authors) languages using Microsoft Word 2010, sent by e-mail.  

After an external review, the article should be translated into English by the authors.

Page settings: top and bottom margins – 2.5 cm, left and right margins – 2.0 cm. The text of the article should be arranged in two columns with 0.7 cm spacing between them. Use 0.5 cm first-line indents for all the paragraphs, the 9-point Times New Roman font with single-spacing. Article title should be 13-point type and title in other languages – low-case 12-point type. Subheadings of the body text should be in bold.

Article structure:

  • Initials and surnames of all authors (no more than 5 persons including those from no more than 4 organizations), place of work (no duplication of information for authors from the same place of work), city, country, e-mail (only for corresponding author),… (in 2 columns), and the article title (up to 10 words – full-page formatting) in the language of the article; 
  • Abstract (200–300 words of commonly accepted terminology only) should be structured and contain the following elements: purpose, methodology, findings, originality, practical value, keywords (6–8 words). The abstract in the language of the article (full-page formatting) should not repeat the title of the article. The abstract should provide clear and preferably brief information in accordance with the title of each section, without repetition and unnecessary text;
  • Body text (double-column format);
  • Reference;
  • Article titles, author information, and abstracts at the end of the article in Ukrainian/Russian and English (three languages in total for a full article) are formatted in two columns;
  • Abstract and keywords in Ukrainian and Russian (double-column format);
  • Journal section for an article placement.

The main body of the article should include the following sections:

  • Problem statement (Introduction);
  • Analysis of the recent research and publications (Literature review);
  • Previously unresolved aspects of the overall problem;
  • Formulation of the purpose of the article and setting of tasks (Purpose);
  • Description of methods (structure, sequencing) for conducting the research (Methods);
  • Presentation of the main research and scientific results obtained (Results);
  • Conclusions and recommendations for further research in this area (Conclusions);
  • The title and number of the project under which the presented results were obtained and acknowledgements to the organizations and/or people contributing to or sponsoring the research (Acknowledgements).

The recommended length of the article including the text, tables, and figures is to make from 7 to 11 in Ukrainian/Russian (for non-English-speaking authors) and from 6 to 9 pages (for the English-language version of the article). The area occupied by pictures should not be more than 25% of the main text volume of the article. The material should be presented concisely, without repetition of data tables and figures in the text. It is unacceptable to use such formatting elements as "section break from a new page" and footers.

Figures (charts, photos, etc.) are submitted together with the text in the places of references to them and must be in separate files in color and black and white (vector, JPEG, or TIFF) with a resolution of at least 600 dpi. The width of the figures should be 8.15 cm or no more than 17 cm for maps, diagrams and other voluminous materials. The figure should be placed in a column (for small images) or in the center, without being surrounded by text. Figures are placed “in the text” (not in tables). Symbols, legends, and lines of figures should be made in such a way that they are perceived after the size of the figure is reduced to the width of 1 column, the size of the text in the figures is 8 pt (for figures with a column size). Figure captions should contain numbering in the order of placement in the text and an explanatory caption in italics. It is unacceptable to include captions to the figure itself. It is not allowed to use figures of other authors in the article, as well as your own previously published ones, without the written permission of the authors or the copyright holder. Exceptions are geological maps and your own diagrams or installations (with a mandatory reference to the source).

Equations in articles should be typed using the formula editor - the internal formula editor in Microsoft Word for Windows. Formulas longer than 8 cm should be divided into separate blocks of up to 8 cm (with some exceptions -17 cm). Formulas are separated from the text at the top and bottom by one interval. The numbering of formulas is given only in case of further reference to them in the text of the article - on the right in brackets. All physical values are given in the SI system. Integers are separated from decimals by a dot. Units of measurement are placed outside the formulas in the text.

Tablesshould be presented in portrait or landscape orientation, depending on the size, and should have thematic headings and numbers; the background of the table should not be highlighted in a different color. The desired length of the table is no more than one page, width - 8.15 or 17 cm. The size of the characters in the tables is 8 pt (for large tables, not less than 6 pt). All tables should be created in the “Table”format, not as a figure.

Referencesin APA style (20-30 sources not older than 2010; the number of self-references is up to 20%; do not use references to the Naukovyi Visnyk NHU; Russian and Belarusian sources are  undesirable; do not use textbooks, dissertations, abstracts, and reports of research and development) is given in the order of mention in the text in English. The list of references in the original language should be provided at the end of the article as a separate list. References to the literature in the text of the article are given in order, as they appear. Separate information is provided for each source, no more than 2 sources are allowed to be combined in one parenthesis.  References to literary sources in the text are given in square brackets, numbering in the list of references - without brackets, with a number with a dot, semi-bold. The transliteration of authors' names is performed in accordance with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 27, January 2010 No.55 “On Regulation of Transliteration of Ukrainian Alphabet into Roman Alphabet” (for Ukrainian). Authors must provide: the identifier of the source; for conference materials - DOI or electronic access mode; for books - ISBN. The font size for the list of references is 8 point.

The article must be carefully reviewed and accompanied by the following scanned copies of documents: a written review-recommendation signed by a Doctor of Science of the relevant profile; an expert opinion on the possibility to publish of the submitted article in open access, and a license agreement (these documents are sent by e-mail). When submitting an article, authors should indicate the section of the journal to be published and the date of the first receipt of the article.

The author credentials in electronic form: authors’ surname, name and patronymic, place of employment (complete name of organization), city, country, contact mobile phones, e-mail and identifier (full page formatting, data in a row separated by commas, without placing in a table). The information is submitted in a separate file in Ukrainian and English. Compliance with should be checked by the authors on the website. In the Information, highlight the name of the contact author and the mobile phone number for urgent communication if necessary.

The English-language version of the article should be checked by the authors for the absence of Cyrillic characters in the text using the Highlite cyrillic characters software.

Authors bear responsibility for the content of their article.Submitted materials are not returned.

The authors send a new article, and authors' credentials according to the Requirements (in one package in electronic form) to the Editorial Office for consideration. In the absence of any documents, the article is not considered.

After acceptance of the article for publication, the authors send a full set of documents: English version of the article; figures in separate high-resolution files in color and black and white; scanned copies of documents (Review-recommendation, License Agreement) by e-mail only.

Articles that do not meet theNaukovyi Visnyk NHU Editorial Office requirements will not be considered.



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Registration data

ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
Journal was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Registration number КВ No.17742-6592PR dated April 27, 2011.


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