Evaluation of the factors affecting the knowledge appliance process efficiency

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J. Raudeliūnienė, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Management, Department of Business Technologies, Vilnius, Lithuania.

I. Radvilaitė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Business Technologies, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Purpose. To determine the factors affecting the efficiency of knowledge appliance process which can serve as a basis for evaluation and improvement of knowledge appliance process in an organisation.

Methodology. To determine the factors being of importance for evaluation and problems of the efficiency of knowledge appliance process and to systematise the factors we have used theoretical analysis, comparison and generalisation methods and applied multiply assessment methods.

Findings. The scientists, who analyse factors of knowledge appliance process efficiency, interpret them differently. This makes it difficult to decide, which view reflects the reality of knowledge appliance process and makes its evaluation more accurate and comprehensive. As a result of scientific literature analysis the primary list of factors affecting the efficiency of knowledge appliance process was made for the further evaluation to solve the mentioned problem.

Originality. Organisations often face the problem of knowledge value loss when existing knowledge is not used in work or its implementation is not effective. The effective knowledge appliance process should be ensured by making the microclimate of organisation and its infrastructure suitable for using existing or new knowledge. To start the process of implementation of new knowledge at an enterprise effectively the most important factors affecting the efficiency of knowledge appliance process should be determined by the new methods of complex evaluation of factors and the process improvement suggested in this article.

Practical value. The factors affecting the efficiency of knowledge appliance process were identified based on scientific literature analysis. The evaluation of the factors allows us to identify the problematical areas of knowledge appliance process and to make the decisions to improve it.


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2. Becerra-Fernandez, I. and Sabherwal, R. (2010), Knowledge Management Systems and Processes,
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4. Chlivickas, E. and Radvilaite, J. (2007), “Human Potential resources in the public sector: the system of evaluation”, Public Administration, no.4 (16), pp. 44–52.

5. Chlivickas E. and Radvilaite, J. (2008), “Potential of technological resources in the public sector: the system of evaluation”, Public Administration, no.1 (17), pp. 62–69.

6. Chlivickas, E., Paliulis, N.K. and Radvilaite, J. (2011), “Efficiency of the human administration functions and procedures, as in the public sector”, Public Administration, no.3 (31), pp. 63–76.

7. Radvilaite, J., Meidutė, I. and Martinaitis, G. (2012), “Evaluation system for Factors affecting creativity in the Lithuanian Armed Forces”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, no.13 (1), pp. 148–166.

8. Radvilaite, J. and Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2014), “Analysis of Factors motivating human resources in public sector”, Procedure - Social and Behavioral Sciences, The 2nd International Scientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education 2013, 110, pp. 719–726.

9. Radvilaite, J., Tuncikiene, Z. and Petrusevic, R. (2013), “Competency assessment of professional military service in Lithuanian armed forces”, Journal of Security and Sustainability, Issues 3 (1), pp. 61–71.

10. Ginevicius, R. and Podvezko, V. (2005), “Generation of a set of Evaluation Criteria”, Business: Theory and Practice, no.6 (4), pp. 199–207.

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