Information society as an environment for creating new knowledge

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A.I. Urintsov, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Moscow, Russia

V.V. Dik, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Synergy University, Moscow, Russia

N.A. Kameneva, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Ye.V. Makarenkova, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Moscow, Russia


Purpose.To develop the methods of creating new knowledge to increase the quantity of innovative goods and services which will be competitive on the world market through the use of patent information in the terms of modern information society. To describe the main characteristics and challenges of modern information society.

Methodology.To solve the problems we used the following methods and approaches: analysis of patent search databases necessary technical conditions for the relevant groups and subgroups in the ASI; examination of the content of the International Patent Classification; statistical analysis of documents full-text websites of international patent organizations and national patent offices; overview of patent documents found on the links index IPC.

Findings.The main characteristics of modern information society and network economy are outlined in this paper. The main patent world resources are analyzed and chosen. The methods of searching patent documents in the world and national patent data bases is developed and proposed. The fundamental principles of the information society development and network economy are identified.  Major Russian government programs defining development strategy in the fields of information society development and innovations, the State Program “Information Society 2020” and The Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 “Innovative Russia – 2020” are reviewed in this paper.

Originality.The research aims to improve the process of knowledge creation through the use of global patent information in today’s information society in order to develop technological innovations for the domestic and international markets.

Practical value.The rapid growth and differentiation of the demand for all kinds of information, including scientific, technical, economic, financial and commercial data, as well as increasing demand for the information content and the forms of its presentation, are the dominant incentive for the development of information systems to exchange electronic data. Patent information, contained in the world patent databases, allows the company to create new knowledge, to determine the existing state of the art and the leading direction of innovations, to develop technological innovations on the basis of the achieved technical level and to register the enterprise’s exclusive rights on new invention and innovations.



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