Social networksin marketing communication – case of Lithuania

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Davidavičienė Vida, Doctor of Social Science (Business management), Professor, Head of Department of Business Technologies, Faculty of Business Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, VGTU, Vilnius, Lithuania

Davidavius Sigitas, Master of Social Science (Business management), Researcher at the Department of Business Technologies, Faculty of Business Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, VGTU, Vilnius, Lithuania


Purpose. To analyze and identify specifics of marketing communication via social networks via Lithuania case study.

Methodology. In order to present situation and specific of use of social networks in marketing communication following methods were employed: comparative analysis of the scientific literature, inquiry, observation, and data analysis.

Findings. In order to highlight the changes and outline possibilities of social networking in marketing communication two researches have been carried out: the first one is the research of Lithuania social media usage peculiarities; the second is the research of use of social networks in marketing (comparison of Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, and Israel).

Originality.This paper explored the social networks in marketing communication from two perspectives: consumers perception and habits; companies perception and intensity of implementation in Lithuania in comparison with Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, and Israel.

Practicalvalue.The development of information and communications technologies (ICT) leads to new ways of marketing communication and forced emergence of new scientific problems. Growing importance of the communication and the relationship with the customers is affected by rapid development and dynamic changes in the e-markets. Understanding and implementing the innovative tools for communication with users on the Internet allow increasing interaction, which is vital in nowadays.


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