System risk management methods, models and their implementation in telecommunications

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V.S. Kanev, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Siberian State University of Telecommunication & IT, Head of Department, Novosibirsk, RF.


Purpose. To investigate the problems of system risk management in telecommunications in the Siberian region of the Russian Federation, specifics of the industry, its risk profile and risk management opportunities.

Methodology. Qualitative and quantitative risk management, risk factors diagnostics and modeling of operational losses, Bayesian networks.

Findings. Highlighted features of communication and Infocomm for risk management, their risk profile and risk management capabilities evaluated in a systematic manner. Determined when and how the possible qualitative and quantitative risk management, what the methods of management and gauges risk modeling capabilities perspective of risk situations are. In analyzing the Russian and foreign risk management practices in telecommunications, Cawthra shows the trend in the integration of risk management functions and automation of these functions in a single model the monitoring of the measuring complex to the nucleus in the center - Bayesian decision support technologies.

Distinct specifics of the telecommunication sector risk profile are identified based on qualitative and quantitative risk management. Prospective for using Bayesian technologies at continuous risk management are determined. Available experience of telecom companies in risk management is analyzed.

Originality. Adequate description of efficient procedures for integrated risk management systems in the rapidly developing sector that would make a pronounced impact to the overall economy growth rate.

Practical value. Methods and components of the risk management methodology will establish the basis for development of automated integrated risk management systems in the telecommunications sector.  Such computing architecture will effectively organize preventive risk-Management at Telecom.


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5. Kanev, V.S. (2006), “Risks in the Telecommunication Services Market”, IX International Conference Data Networks Operation Problems (PFIS-2006), Novosibirsk, pp. 120–123.

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