Content №4 2022

Geology 5
A. O. Sinitsyna, P. V. Karnozhitskiy, D. V. Miroshnichenko, D. Yu. Bilets The use of brown coal in Ukraine to obtain water-soluble sorbents 5
P. I. Pigulevskiy, O.M. Stovas. Seismic geotraverse "Granit" (Ukrainian part). Reanimation 11
L. F. Mullagaliyeva, S. K. Baimukhametov, V. S. Portnov, V. M. Yurov, D. A. Ibragimova Nanostructures of coal beds in the Sherubaynurinsky section of the Karaganda basin 17
Mining 23
R. R. Yegorchenko, O.A. Mukha, L. N. Shirin The methods to calculate expediency of composite degassing pipelines 23
A. Yu. Dreus, O. I. Gubin, V. I. Bondarenko, Baochang Liu, V. I. Batuta Numerical study of microwave impact on gas hydrate plugs in a pipeline 28
K. Zhussupova, Zh. Seitov, E. Utegenov, N. Khvatina, N. Baikenov Automation of ore quality management in quarries 34
Tien Trung Vu, Doan Viet Dao Assessing the impact of underground working (tunneling) in the II section of Seam 14 on surface construction works at Ha Lam Coal Mine (Vietnam) 39
I. I. Paliichuk, I. M. Kovbasiuk, O. B. Martsynkiv, I. I. Vytvytskyi Forceful interaction of the casing string with the walls of a curvilinear well 45
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 52
O. A. Haidai, A. V. Pavlychenko, A. S. Koveria, V. V. Ruskykh, T. V. Lampika Determination of granulometric composition of technogenic raw materials for producing composite fuel 52
R. V. Liutyi, M. V. Tyshkovets, M. M. Yamshinskij, V. Yu. Selivorstov, V. G. Ivanov Synthesis of phosphosulphate substance and properties of its structured mixture with quartz sand 59

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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
Journal was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
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