Probabilistic and statistical model of vertical wells of large diameter

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V.V. Levit, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, State Prize of Ukraine Laureate, Honoured Miner of Ukraine, Production GOAO «Trust «Donetskshahtorohodka», Deputy General Director, Donetsk, Ukraine

A.A. Gorelkin, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», postgraduate student of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomechanics, mining engineer, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.O. Logunovа, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Research Fellow of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomechanics, Engineer of Land Management and Inventory, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Method of construction of vertical workings by drilling them is one of the most promising methods. Improvement of its competitiveness requires an analysis of existing technical and technological parameters for their further improvement. The statistical analysis of the quality of wells drilled in Krasnoarmeysk, Dolzhano-Rovenetsk, Donetsk-Makeevka and Petropavlovsk mining areas is carried out. Probabilistic and statistical prediction models are designed. Autocorrelation functions were obtained for each well, allowing assess the quality of the walls of excavations, which are being built.


1. Вентцель Е.С. Теория вероятностей / Вентцель Е.С. – М.: Наука, Физматгиз, 1969 – 576 с
Wentsel Ye.S. Probability theory / Wentsel Ye.S. – М.: Nauka, Fizmatgiz, 1969 – 576 p

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 1.35 MB Download 1444

Tags: statistical analysisdrillingvertical developmentautocorrelation functionpredictive models

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