Improvement of room exposures seismic resistance during explosive works
V.V. Fitsak, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, G.V. Plekhanov St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (technical university), Senior Lecturer of the Department of General and Technical Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia
N.N. Smirnova, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, G.V. Plekhanov St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (technical university), Senior Lecturer of the Department of General and Technical Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia
V.I. Chernobay, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, G.V. Plekhanov St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (technical university), Senior Lecturer of the Department of General and Technical Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia
Bearing strength of interchamber pillars and also width of the rooms sharply decreases under seismic influence of explosive works. To compensate it, they have to increase width of the ore pillars. It leads to growth of losses. It is necessary to develop parameters of explosive works which allow reducing seismic influence on backup abutment.
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