Graph theory application to build chronolithologic model of waste dump formation
Authors: Ye.V. Prokopenko, State Higher Educational Institution «Donetsk National Technical University», Senior Instructor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming, Donetsk, Ukraine
The author offers to use graph theory to create chronolithologic models of rock dump allowing determination of harmful substances centre and provide recommendations on future use of these substances. Problem of development of chronological model of the rock dump has been formulated. The stages of model design using graphs are considered.
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Land of our alarm. Based on reports about the state of the environment in the Donetsk region in 2008–2009 / edited by. S.V. Tretiakova, G. Averіna // – Donetsk: Novyi svіt, 2009. – 124 p.
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Burkov V.N. Graph theory in the management of organizational systems / Burkov V.N., Zalozhnev A.Yu., Novikov D.A. // – M.: Sinteg, 2001. – 124 p.
2011_05_prokop | |
2012-11-27 308.52 KB 1450 |
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