Physical model of joint movement of rocks and earth surface undermined by coal beds
V.I. Bondarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Underground Mining Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
M.V. Filatyev, Donbass State Technical University, postgraduate student of the Labor Protection Department, Alchevsk, Ukraine
N.I. Antoshchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Donbass State Technical University, Head of the Labor Protection Department, Alchevsk, Ukraine
Main factors influencing on the duration of rock movement and compression process are ascertained. Overall duration of shifting of the undermined rocks and earth surface is estimated. Results can be used for solution of some tasks of mining production and for development of measures of safe mining of gas-bearing coal deposits, recovery of layers bearing burst hazard, selection of optimum locations for development workings, calculations of water inflow in mines, renewal of water balance, protection of buildings and objects on the earth surface, and other important problems concerning development of coal beds.
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