Determination of parameters of seismic centre of explosions and rock bursts

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A.A. Vovk, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine „КPI“, Kyiv, Ukraine

О.A. Vovk, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine „КPI“, Kyiv, Ukraine

A.A. Buzyla, National Technical University of Ukraine „КPI“, Kyiv, Ukraine

V.V. Vapnichnaya, Candidate of Technical Science, National Technical University of Ukraine „КPI“, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article considers methodologies of determination of size of zone of irreversible deformations (cavities, zones of crushing and zone of radial cracks) caused by the explosions of charges of explosive materials and methodologies of determination of radius of emitter of a bounce. Size of such zones is one of the most essential initial parameters for research of seismic waves of any origin. Calculation data and comparative description of the considered methodologies are presented.


1. Chudek M. Geomechanika z podstawami ochrony srodowiska gorniczego i powierzchni terenu / Chudek M. – Gliwice : Wydawnictwo politechniki Slaskiej, 2002. – 637 p.

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 404.34 KB Download 1015


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