Effect of physical and chemical influence of inorganic salts solutions on the stability of landslide-prone slopes

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A.A. Pashchenko, Ukrainian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Rock Mechanics and Mine Surveying of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Research Fellow of Barrier Strata and Strata Control Department, Donetsk, Ukraine

O.G. Yashcherenko, Ukrainian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Rock Mechanics and Mine Surveying of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Research Fellow of Barrier Strata and Strata Control Department, Donetsk, Ukraine

V.A. Kanin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ukrainian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Rock Mechanics and Mine Surveying of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Barrier Strata and Strata Control Department, Donetsk, Ukraine

A.V. Pashchenko, Ukrainian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Rock Mechanics and Mine Surveying of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow of Barrier Strata and Strata Control Department, Donetsk, Ukraine


The article considers the possibility of landslide-prone slopes stability increase by means of physical and chemical treatment of clay rocks by water solutions of inorganic salts of metals. It is shown that action of cations Al+3, Fe+3 and anions Cl- and SO4-2 raises crystallinity of the minerals contained in clay soils that causes increase of firmness of clay. Also it is possible to shift the liquid limit of clay in direction of higher humidity and to raise its resistance to sliding by injection of the specified cations and anions into the soil.


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