Seismic data processing methodology: southern cutoff part of Dnieper-Donets basin case study
V.D. Petruniak, Taras Schevchenko National University of Kiev, postgraduate student, Kiev, Ukraine
Ye.V. Ustenko, Taras Schevchenko National University of Kiev, postgraduate student, Kiev, Ukraine
Purpose. Development of the optimal methodology and of seismic data processing and creation of processing graph for Southern cutoff part of Dnieper-Donets Basin, that provides more effective way of suppress interference of different regular and irregular noise waves and to determine kinematic (arrival time) and dynamic (amplitude of signals) wave characteristics.
Methodology. Using Paradigm Geodepth software package analysis of main processing procedures and their impact on the quality of resulting material was carried out. Developed seismic data processing graph includes standard procedures on field data input and creating project database. At the next stage, it is recommended to apply a priori static corrections, which is followed by editing of initial seismograms and refining of amplitudes recovery procedures, followed by estimation of main characteristics of wave field. Further, an a priori time stack data is formed, analysis of static corrections is carried out. Completing the latter procedures, minimal phase deconvolution of initial data is carried out. After applying static corrections we carry out the common depth point stacking, flexible band filtering, and amplitude equalization of common depth point stacking data. Final step is coherence filtration, adjustment of migration velocities and migration itself.
Results. Methodology of seismic data processing is being proposed. The methodology allows to quality and time duration of data processing. Advanced processing graph was developed. It can be adapted to different types of 2D and 3D seismic data (different acquisition geometry, spectral composition, source power, equipment decisions etc.). Methodology for optimization of seismic data processing graph based on seismic geological models is being proposed to enlarge quality of seismic data. Proposed methodology can be used for seismic data processing at other fields of the Southern cutoff part of Dnieper-Donets Basin for higher resolution of acquired data and processing optimization.
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