Study of senoman-kelovey ground water complex chemical composition change dynamics within the confines of the city of Kyiv by mathematical statistics methods

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O.Ye. Koshliakov, Dr. Sci. (Geol.),Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National Kyiv University, Geological faculty, Head of the Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine

T.O. Koshliakova, Taras Shevchenko National Kyiv University, Geological faculty, I-st category engineer of Geological faculty Research & Development Department, Kyiv, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine the tendencies in the potable groundwater chemical composition and quality class changes of senoman-kelovey groundwater complex within the confines of the city of Kyiv caused by long-term exploitation, by means of mathematical-statistical methods and GIS-technologies.

Methodology. Systemic,mathematical-statistical, geoinformational approaches, typification method and descriptive procedure were used in research. Microsoft Excel, Statistica, Attestatsoftware packages were chosen for mathematical and statisticalprocessing. CorelDraw, MapInfoProfessionalandArcView programs were used for cartographic schemes construction and for spatial analysis and modelling in GIS.

Findings. Kyivpotableground water chemical composition and quality class changes investigationmethodology on the basis of combined mathematical-statistical methods and geoinformatics technologies were developed. Non-parametric statistics method (Mann-Witney criterion) and Abbe criterion, used for hydrogeochemical data analysis, description and substantiation were given. Kyiv territory typification by geomorphologycharacteristic was done. The city zones most vulnerable to contamination were defined.

Originality. For the first time the general tendency of senoman-kelovey groundwater complex quality class worsening was revealed in Kyiv. It was determined that the changes  of the city potable groundwater basic components vary and depend on exploitation intension and geo-hydrogeological and geomorphological structure. For the first time the territory of the city of Kyiv was divided by types according to senoman-kelovey potable ground water basic components and quality class changes: those changes tendencies were determined.

Practical value. Practical application of determined senoman-kelovey complex potable ground water chemical composition and quality class changes tendencies in Kyiv may contribute to exploitation system optimization and prevention of further ground water quality worsening. The results obtained can be used as basis for the potable ground water chemical composition monitoring system development in Kyiv. The suggested methodical approaches andtechniques can be used for urban territories ground water study. 


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Date 2014-07-08 Filesize 192.79 KB Download 1312


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