Determination and analysis of the acceptable benchmark changes of the stress strain state of frame and anchor fastening elements of dismantling drift when approaching a working face

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V.V. Fomichov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

V.A. Sotskov, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Doctoral Student of the Department of Underground Mining Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

A.V. Malykhin, Mining Engineer, Vice Head of the Shevchenkivska RDA, Kiyv, Ukraine; State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Doctoral Student of the Department of Underground Mining Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To determine the patterns of stress-strain state of the frame and anchoring of the dismantling roadway when approaching the stoping.

Methodology. We have used the approved method of computer simulation by the finite element method. To fulfill the task we have created the three-dimensional model of layered rock massif taking into account real physical and mechanical characteristics of each lithologic layer according to the geological survey which had been carried out near the dismantling drift of the mine “Stepnaya”. We have installed frame and anchor support in the roadway according to the requirements of the timbering standard. We have modeled step by step approaching of the working face. The computational experiment has been carried out in four stages at different distances from the working face to the drift.

Findings. We have analyzed the stress-strain state of the mounting system and established the regularities of the redistribution of stresses in the frame and anchoring support under changing distance from the working face to the roadway. The areas of stress concentration where the elements fastening system is prone to buckling failure has been defined.

Originality. We have established the influence of the distance to the working face on the stress-strain state of the elements of the fastening system of the dismantling roadway.

Practical value. The obtained results might be used for substantiation of the parameters of the fastening system of mine roadways in the area of influence of the stoping.




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Date 2014-07-16 Filesize 129.65 KB Download 1090


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