Study of the open-cast mining technology parameters influence on the efficiency of iron-ore deposits development

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A.A. Temchenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational InstitutionKriviy Rih National University, Kriviy Rih, Ukraine.


Purpose. To establish the influence of the regularities of mining system parameters on the feasibility of further use of open mining technology in deep open-cast mines at iron ore deposits.

Methodology. We have developed the method of rational technological schemes justification and definition of the basic parameters of development system elements, in particular, the sequences of benches movement and the direction of deep open casts mining, determination of the optimal site width, the length of the excavating unit and mining intensity in general.

Findings. The obtained analytical calculations of the site width, the bench height and length of the excavating unit might provide the necessary intensity of mining operations in the deep levels in an open-cast mine. It is reasonable to consider these characteristics for determination of the given performance of minerals in specific mining-engineering conditions of iron ore deposit development.

Originality. Establishing of the dependence of minimum cost of excavation and extraction-and-loading on the optimal length of the excavating unit at different values of possible face height taking into account the stope width at the bottom might ensure the effectiveness of the open-cast mining technology on the final stage of the iron ore deposit development.

Practical value. The considered set of approaches makes it possible to determine the rational mode and optimal parameters of mining in open-cast mines, which is important for improving the efficiency of open-cast mining technology. Taking into account the established regularities of defining the basic parameters of the working area and the applied rational technological schemes of open cast formation at deep levels, we are able to justify the intensity of mining works in the further development of iron ore deposits.




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