Peculiarities of rope bolts usage during maintenance of stopes in mines of Western Donbass
V.V. Lapko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
V.V. Fomychov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Purpose. To establish expediency and implementa-tion boundaries of rope bolts usage as the elements of combined safety system during its usage in complex mining-geological conditions of Ukrainian mines. To conduct an analysis of modern rope bolts structures providing the possibility of maintenance of stable state of wide mine workings.
Methodology. We have carried out the analysis of construction peculiarities of rope bolts and their influence on wide workings state under various geological conditions. Technological features of bolt support various types during their usage in combined safety system have been considered. Computational experiment has been conducted to establish laws of bolts technological characteristics influence on near-the-contour rock massif stability provision in over-the-limit state.
Findings. Implemented studies point out at the neces-sity of two-level scheme of bolt support implementation that will provide optimal quantity of installed bolts duing provision of stope exploitation characteristics for all term of its usage. Qualitative and quantitative indices of strain field change were detected depending on back-up plate dimensions and bolt strain.
Originality. Critical parameters of the construction have been defined during rope bolts usage for provision of the most successful scheme for stope protection that present the possibility to increase rates of mine workings drivage and decrease metal content of combined support.
Practical value. Decrease of the operations prime cost during provision of mine workings exploitation characteristics using combined support. Unification of rope bolts implementation under various geological conditions at Western Donbass mines.
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