Basic scientific positions of forecast of the dyna-mics of methane release when mining the gas bearing coal seams.

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V.I. Bondarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Underground Mining Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ye.N. Kharin, Donbass State Technical University, postgraduate student, Labor Protection Department, Alchevsk, Lugansk oblast, Ukraine

N.I. Antoshchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Donbass State Technical University, Head of the Labor Protection Department, Alchevsk, Ukraine

R.L. Gasyuk, Donbass State Technical University, postgraduate student, Labor Protection Department, Alchevsk, Lugansk oblast, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop general scientifically-substantiated points of the forecasting technique for gas emission prediction during exploitation of an extraction area and after its isolation in coal mines of Donetsk basin.

Methodology. Monitoring of methane emission into mine workings and degassing wells during stoping development, stable exploitation of stoping areas, coal extraction decrease before breakage face stop and after full stop of stopping works. Analysis of available literature data and normative documents, generalization of the results of theoretical and experimental research of stoping works development, displacement of undermined rocks and desorption of gas from coal.

Findings. We have considered the factors determining the level and duration of gas emission from sources that form an extraction area gas balance after closing-up of a stopping. The parameters of location of the breakage face towards the face entry allowing us to achieve the maximal gas emission and have been determined and rock collapses in rock massif have been localized.

 Scientific novelty: For the first time we have developed the common scientifically-based points of forecasting technique for gas dynamics prediction in undermined massif during stoping area exploitation and after its isolation taking into account the mine rock movements ap-pearing during the longwall development and desorption of gas from coal broken and crushed by shearer. We have found out the regularities of gas emission after disturbance of natural balance of two-phase system “gas-coal” condition. The faster is the longwall advance the more intense are collapse process in of undermined rocks and as a result the faster the gas emission starts.

Practical value. The practical recommendations of sequence of mining the longwall are presented. Scientifically-substantiated points of the forecasting technique for prediction of gas emission from undermined massif during exploitation of an extraction area and after its isolation. 




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Bokiy, B.V. and Kasimov, O.I. (2005), “Prospects of methane recovering from technogenic accumulations”, Coal of Ukraine, no. 5, pp. 17–21.


2. Антощенко Н.И. Физико-математическая модель динамики метановыделения из подрабатываемых угольных пластов / Н.И. Антощенко, С.И. Кулакова // Горный журнал. – 2012. – № 8. – C 89–93.


Antoshchenko, N.I. and Kulakova, S.I. (2012), “Physical-mathematical model of the dynamics of methane emission from undermined coal seams”, Mining Journal, no. 8, pp. 89–93.



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