Study of economic feasibility of resource saving technologies introduction as a factor of enterprices’ economic development
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 28 July 2014
- Published on 13 August 2013
- Hits: 3600
V.V. Kozyk, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Economics and Management, Head of the Department of Economics of Enterprise and Investments, Lviv, Ukraine.
T.O. Petrushka, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Economics of Enterprise and Investments, Assistant Lecturer, Lviv, Ukraine.
O.Yu. Yemelianov, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Economics and Management, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics of Enterprise and Investments, Lviv, Ukraine.
Purpose. Development of theoretical and methodical principles for the study of economic feasibility of resource saving technologies introduction as a factor of enterprises’ economic development.
Methodology. The following methods of research have been used: generalization, system analysis, abstracting, grouping, and method of modeling has been applied for research of process of technological changes and optimization approach has been applied in order to determine the best time for fixed assets renovation.
Findings. The core of “resources saving concepts” and “economic development”, and the features of resource saving type have been determined. The indicator of technologies lag effect and the principle of periodic rotation of technological industry leader have been offered. The criterion of expediency of current technology substitution by the resource saving one and the method of determination of optimal time for replacement of the out-of-date fixed assets has been proposed.
Originality. The methods of assessment of the expediency of the investment into resource saving technologies introduction at an enterprise have been improved through the selection of technological consistency of the fixed assets, taking into account the measure of technological lag effect and establishment the peculiarities of time parameters optimization of technological changes process.
Practical value. The application of the offered methodical principles can be useful for economists and managers who work at industrial enterprises, since it will allow them to improve the level of validity of the technical development programs due to determining the most appropriate volumes of investments into introduction of resource saving technologies.
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