Formation of concept of changes planning at an enterprise considering the stakeholders interests
- Details
- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 28 July 2014
- Published on 13 August 2013
- Hits: 4010
S.R. Stetsiv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Postgraduate Student, Lviv, Ukraine.
Purpose. To study in-depth the sequence of changes planning at an enterprise with emphasis on the need to consider and determine its life cycle stage, and to identify the type of changes. Formation of an alternative toolkit to enhance the readiness for changes of internal stakeholders, with respect to the complexity of goals and objectives of changes.
Methodology. We have used the general scientific methods of systematic approach and multivariate analysis. We have generalized the best practices of researchers. The graphical method was used for schematic representation of the research results.
Findings. The concept of changes planning at an enterprise has been developed. Special place in the concept is devoted to the issue of recognition of changes which is carried out by formation of the simultaneous equations system. The system is based on the coordination of internal and external stakeholders’ interests with the interests of enterprise. The technologies of changes implementation serving as the prerequisite for forming maps of changes’ goals have allowed determining mechanistic technology of changes and technology of organizational development. Thus the concept combines structural and psychological views on change management. With regard to the importance of human resources in achieving the objectives the tools for enhancing readiness of internal stakeholders to changes implementation have been determined.
Originality. The concept of planning of changes taking into account peculiarities of the company functioning and its ways of development according to the stage of life cycle has been made. Instruments which are aimed at enhancing readiness for changes of internal stakeholders of enterprise are improved and detailed, as well as the effectiveness of their application depending on the changes implementation technology has been explored.
Practical Value. Results of the research can be used in enterprises activity of any industry with consideration of its features when planning changes. Presented tools for enhancing readiness for changes implementing can be used in motivational aspects of activity, and are aimed at the increase of creativity, development, learning and competitive spirit among internal stakeholders.
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