Tectonic disturbances and geochemical characteristics of the breed Сhistyakov-Snezhnyanskiy geological industrial district of Donbass

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І.I. Kurmelev, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To study the abnormal accumulation of certain rare elements in zones of tectonic disturbances with respect to the lithological type of the rocks enclosing coal beds.

Methodology. In the zones of tectonic disturbances we have produced selected lithochemical samples for further semi-quantitative spectral analysis of argillites and siltstones for 40 elements and quantitative analysis for mercury. For further processing of the results we have used statistical techniques to calculate basic statistical characteristics of the empirical distribution of rare elements (mean and modal values, variance, coefficient of variation, asymmetry, kurtosis, etc.). During the calculations we have been using the term ‘geochemical background’ as ‘average’ for the range of content of some rare items that is considered normal.

Findings. We have analyzed the anomalous contents of some rare elements in the lithological types of enclosing rock with reference to the tectonic disturbances and coal beds where the mine workings revealed violations with big amplitudes of displacement, typical for the Chistyakov-Snezhnyanskiy district.

Originality. For the first time for the tectonic disturbances of the Chistyakov-Snezhnyanskiy geological and industrial district we have identified the anomalous content of some rare elements in the lithological types of enclosing rocks. The research contributes to the understanding of the accumulation of rare elements in the zone of tectonic disturbances which are ‘geochemical barriers’ in the distribution of anomalous contents of elements.

Practical value. The results can be used during exploration and mining activities in the areas of tectonic disturbances in the Chistyakov-Snezhnyanskiy geological and industrial district that will enhance both the efficiency of exploration and environmental safety of coal processing.




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