Degradation in loesses factors and models

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T.P. Mokritskaya, Сand.Sci. (Geol.), Associate Professor, Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Deputy of Dean, Associate Professor of the Department of Geology and Geography, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

L.S. Koryashkina, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose: Construction of mathematical model of proneness subsidence degradation in conditions of techno-genic influences on the example of urban areas. In conditions of the complex multifactorial technological impacts the loss of sagging properties proneness subsidence degradation is complex. It is necessary to create mathematical models, which describe proneness subsidence degradation as a result of not only external but also internal factors as none-equilibrium thermodynamic process.

Methodology: The methods of inductive mathematical modeling of the processes in the complex systems namely, the group method of accounting arguments, were applied. Soils’ properties data have been divided into groups according to the year of their definition, and stochastic analysis of indicators variability and relations between individual separate indicators had been made. Regression models of dependence of internal factors that affect the intensity of development process, the indicators of physical and physical and mechanical properties of the soils, coordinates cannot be used for forecasting due to objective circumstances. As an alternative it was used the group method of data handling, which allows building of the model on the basis of analysis of the short temporary and “noisy” data.

Findings: The article contains results of the analysis of mathematical models of degradation subsiding properties. Degradation was considered as the result of the joint action of internal factors of the system. It is confirmed that the degradation of subsiding properties is caused by changes in soils state and their micro aggregate content and size distribution. It has been determined features of the process in loess-shaped, subaerial and paleosol soil horizons, which correspond to different paleographic eras in conditions of the complex techno-genetic influences. It was confirmed that the degradation of the sagging properties is described as the logical time process as an exception.

Originality. It was confirmed the association between physical properties of the soils on the result of physical modeling and association between characteristics of the mechanical behavior on the results of long time series. The nonlinear model of subsidence degradation was received at first, basing on the analysis of the long time series changes in the physical properties of the array and its dispersion in the zone of variety of techno-genetic sources influences. It was received new data about variability of relative subsidence and the factors causing it.

Practical value. The obtained models and methods can be used to produce the Permanent acting simulation models of array subsidence degradation in areas exposed to intensive multifactorial and human impact. The usage of the Permanent acting models of degradation of subsiding properties of an array will significantly improve the efficiency of measures for monitoring geological environment. Predictive values of the relative subsidence can be used in the practice of engineering and geological investigations for estimated assessments during creation of the forecasts of engineering-geological processes, developing measures for engineer protection from hazardous and unfavorable geological processes.




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