Theoretical and practical aspects of reduction of ore loss on bottom layer of deposit
Authors: V.O. Kalinichenko, O.L. Shepel
Theoretical and practical measures for reduction of ore losses on the bottom layer of the deposit are developed. The advanced design procedure of parameters of drilling-and-blasting operations for conditions of working of the bottom layer of the deposit is presented. Basic formulas for calculation of ore mass displacement distance from dead area of the bottom layer of the deposit in the zone of release are resulted. It has been improved the technology of working of deposits with inclination less than 60–65° which allows reducing ore losses and improving ore mining performance.
2010_11-12 Kalin | |
2012-12-14 355.47 KB 1491 |
Tags: reduction of ore losses • bottom layer • deposit • displacement of broken ore • dead area • calculation of drilling-and-blasting operations
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