Problems of research of modern stress state in upper Earth crust levels inside internal zones of tectonic plates
I.Yu. Rasskazov, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Russian Academy of Science, Far Eastern Branch, Director of Mining Institute, Khabarovsk, Russia
B.G. Saksin, Doctor of Geologic-Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Research Fellow, Russian Academy of Science, Far Eastern branch, Mining Institute, Khabarovsk, Russia
M.M. Dovbnich, Doctor of Geologic-Mineralogical Sciences, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Head of a Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Research problems of modern stressed-deformed state (SDS) in the upper part of Earth crust in inside-plate conditions are considered. They are aimed to improve the forecast of the disastrous behavior of rock pressure in mines. Connected problems are discussed by examples of Amur lithospheric plate, where some ore deposits with burst-hazard are developed. The analysis of studies regarding the problem on the territory is given. Real methods of more reliable accounting of regional constituent for the forecast are outlined.
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