Research of physical and mechanical properties of argilliferous bearing strata

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Authors: M.I. Stupnik, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, Kryvyi Rih Technical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine


Due to the carried research it has been determined that the increase of moisture in clay rock provokes a swelling phenomenon and ore plasticity maximizing; the decrease of moisture causes the rock subsidence phenomenon, which affects negatively the underground mining technology.


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2. Gasc-Barbier M. Etude des mecanismes de déformation de roches argileuses profondes: Apport de la micro structure et des analyses pétrophysiques. / Gasc-Barbier M. // These de Doctorat, Université de Paris VI – 2002, 212 p.

3. Horsud P. Interaction between shale and water-based drilling fluids: laboratory exposure tests give new insight inton mechanisms and field consequences of KC1 content / Horsud P., Sonstebo E.F. // Society of Petroleum Engineers, (48986) – 1998, 38 p.

4. Sonstebo. E.F. Effects of brines on mechanical properties of shales under different test conditions / Sonstebo E.F. –Eurock; 1996. 249 p.

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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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