Statistical relation between uranium and thorium in ore-bearing albitites from Novoalekseevka ore deposit (the Ukrainian shield)
I.I. Mikhalchenko, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), M. Semenenko institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation under NAS of Ukraine, doctoral candidate, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Purpose. Estimation of the degree of statistical relation between uranium and thorium of andradite-actinolite-diopside albitites of Novoalekseevka ore deposit, Central-Ukrainian uranium ore-bearing district of the Ukrainian Shield.
Methodology. The research is based on collection of data from previous geological investigations, geological and radiometric documentation of drill cores, sampling and statistical calculations. Considering that albitites are inhomogeneous in volume distribution of uranium, statistical relation between uranium and thorium have been investigated by means of one of non-parametric methods of correlation analysis, determination of Spearman’s coefficient rank correlation. Verification of presence of statistical relation has been carried out by the calculation of determination coefficient by using the values of coefficients b1 и b2 of linear equations of regressions, thorium on uranium and uranium on thorium respectively.
Findings. Spearman’s coefficient rank correlation of uranium and thorium of the andradite-actinolite-diopside albitites of Novoalekseevka ore deposit approximately equals to 0.84, thus statistical relation of these chemical elements is classified as close and positive one. “firmness” of the non-parametric method of correlation analysis to the presence in the investigated selections of pairs of “prominent” values was confirmed by the implemented research.
Originality. For the first time the existence of alkaline sodium metasomatites of high temperature andradite-actinolite-diopside group of apogranitic metasomatic facies with strong positive statistical relation between uranium and thorium has been proved. It testifies for the possible consideration of association of these chemical elements as paragenetic.
Practical value. The obtained data allow us to execute the estimation of weight content of concomitant component (thorium) on determination of weight content of main component (uranium) in ores, and to do more precise interpretation of the data of gamma-ray well-logging.
1. Belevtsev, Ya.N., Koval, V.B. and Bakarzhiyev, А.Kh. (1995), Geneticheskiye tipy i zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya uranovykh mestorozhdeniy Ukrainy [Genetic Types and Laws of Location of Uranium Deposits of Ukraine], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, Ukraine.
Генетические типы и закономерности размещения урановых месторождений Украины / [Белевцев Я.Н., Коваль В.Б., Бакаржиев А.Х. и др.] – К.: „Наукова думка“, 1995. – 396 с.
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