The role of mantle processes in the formation of commercial endogenous uranium deposits on the example of the Ukrainian shield
A.А. Kalashnik, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), State Enterprise “Kirovgeologiya”, Exploration expedition № 37, Chief Geophysicist, Kirovograd, Ukraine
Purpose. To determine new regularities of formation of commercial endogenous uranium deposits of the Ukrainian shield based on the study of deep lithosphere parameters variability that predetermine the appearance of conditions suitable for formation of specialized uranium mantle fluid flows resulting in uranium deposits on the upper floors of the crustal structure which consist of the mantle ore components. This is needed to improve the methodology and results of the forecast of commercial uranium deposits, primarily with large reserves, and to raise the effectiveness geological exploration.
Methodology. We have analyzed large amounts of geophysical, geological, and radioactivity geochemical data concerning the peculiarities of formation and conditions of localization of commercial uranium deposits in the Ukrainian shield (UkrSh) taking into account the peculiarities of the deep structure of the lithosphere and asthenosphere, fault tectonics, mantle magmatism. We have used the results of modern petrological, isotopic geochemical studies.
Findings. We have determined the depth factors of formation of commercial uranium deposits of endogenous class located in the Ukrainian shield. Their effectiveness has been proved by practical results of specialized studies on uranium at drilled-up well-studied areas of the Ukrainian shield. Isotopic and geochemical data proves the mantle nature of the solutions that formed sodium uranium ore metasomatic rocks. This gives us the opportunity to exercise science estimates of potential uranium-ore productive lithosphere segments of the Ukrainian shield and significantly minimize areas for further exploration works.
Originality. As opposed to traditional notions, we have determined that mantle sources of uranium ore-formation components and peculiarities of the lithosphere deep structure are of crucial importance for the formation of commercial uranium endogenous deposits in the Ukrainian shield. As they cause uranium mantle fluid flows resulting in uranium deposits formation on the upper floors of the crustal structure from mantle ore components.
Practical value. New laws of occurrence of commercial endogenous uranium deposits have been discovered based on the modern ideas about metallogenesis of uranium with primary initial stage of concentration of uranium-ore components in the mantle under certain PT-conditions. They reflect the specific formation of endogenous uranium mineralization. This made it possible to scientifically substantiate promising territories of formation of industrial uranium deposits with determination of the most probable areas of their localization.
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