Determination of the best type of IGBT module for application in frequency converters

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V.S. Ostrenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, Senior Lecturer of Electronics Systems Department, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,

Ye.V. Kulinich, LLC “Polygon-Auto”, Electrical Engineer, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


In the capacity of power keys in modern frequency converters are used only IGBT modules which correspond to a combination of bipolar transistor with insulated gate and reverse current diode. The world has about a dozen companies that produce IGBT modules under their own technology. Development of production technology of semiconductor devices is a difficult task because improvement of some parameters almost always results in deterioration of other parameters. Therefore, during new product presentation the manufacturers of IGBT always emphasize the best parameters of modules and withhold information about the worsened parameters. Thus, frequency converters designer cannot identify which manufacturer produces the best IGBT modules for a certain voltage, current and frequency.

Purpose. To develop methods of determination of the best type IGBT module for certain voltage, current and frequency.

Methodology. At the basis of the methodology we have laid the statement that the best module should have the highest value of the quality criterion, which corresponds to definite correlation of IGBT parameters affecting the thermal regime of its work.

Findings. The structure of the criteria was determined by analyzing the parameters of two-keys and one-key modules received from data sheets for these devices. Between these devices 28 IGBT modules with blocked voltage from 600 to 6500 V have been selected, and the first quality criterion has been defined for them. Two additional criteria have been developed to determine which modules better meet the requirements of work at low or high switching frequency.

Originality. As a result of calculations we have determined the best types of IGBT modules in each of 6 groups of voltage in the blocked state. The method allows us to select the best module in the group of modules with the same consumer characteristics: blocked voltage, rated current, the number of power keys in the module.

Practical value. This will allow developers of converters to use the best types of IGBT modules and facilitate further improvement of their parameters.


1. Taketo Nishiyama and Yuji Miyazaki (2009), “TheIGBTModulewith 6th Generation IGBT”, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan, available at: http://www. Leistungshalbleiter/Neuheiten/Paper_The_IGBTModule_ with_6th_Gen__IGBT_end.pdf

2. Текето Нисияма. Модули Mitsubishi Electric на базе 6-го поколения IGBT [Електронний ресурс] / Текето Нисияма, Юджи Миязаки // Силовая Электроника. – 2010. – №3. – С. 16–18 – Режим доступу: , вільний, – Загол. з екрану.

Taketo Nishiyama, Yuji Miyazaki (2010), “The 6th-GenerationIGBT Modules MitsubishiElectric”, journal Power Electronics, no.3, pp. 16–18.

3. Tetsuo Takahashi, Yusuhiro Yoshiura “The 6th-GenerationIGBT& Thin Wafer Diodefor New Power Modules”, Power Device, Mitsubishi Electric ADVANCE, June 2011, p. 5–7 available at:

4. Bjurn Backlund, Eric Carroll (2006), “Voltage ratings of high power semiconductors”, ABB Semiconductors, Switzerland, available at:$file/5SYA%202051-00%20August%2006 %20Voltage%20ratings%20of%20high%20power%20semiconductors.pdf

5. Raffael Schnell, Martin Bayer, Silvan Geissmann (2011), “Thermal Design and Temperature Ratings of IGBT Modules”, ABB, Switzerland, available at:$file/5SYA%202093-00_thermal%20desi

6. Bjorn Backlund, Raffael Schnell, Ulrich Schlapbach, Roland Fischer, Evgeny Tsyplakov (2009), “Applying IGBT”, ABB Semiconductors, Switzerland, available at:$file/5sya2053-03%20applying%20igbts.pdf


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