Research of hydrophysical properties of coatings based on full aluminosiloxane polymer

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O.I.Peredriy, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail:

O.V.Pakholyuk, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail:


Purpose. Determination of the indexes of outdoor resistance and water absorption for new protective coatings based on the aluminosiloxane polymer and the influence of the original composition on the physical properties of the coatings.

Methodology. During the research, we used methods that allow examining of the physical and mechanical properties of protective coatings and meet the national standards. Hydrophobic properties of the coating are characterized by the degree of wetting of the surface of coating material, which was evaluated by limiting wetting angle on phase boundary by the method of selective moistening.

Findings. It was proved that the aluminosiloxane polymercoatings have high insulating and protective properties, as the limiting wetting angle was more than 90 degrees for all compositions. Thewater absorption of the coated surface of steel equals 0.18−0.58, and in case of concrete,0.29−0.92 wt.%. The partial destruction of the coating appears at negative and alternating temperatures due to corrosion processes in the surface layers of the coating. The limiting wetting angle diminishes by 4−13 degrees for steel and 10−18 degrees for concrete. It was determined that the aluminosiloxane polymer-based coatings are characterized by high indexes of physical properties (outdoor resistance, water absorption) and sufficient temperature and fire resistance.

Originality. The influence of the full aluminosiloxane polymer-based coatings initial composition on the resistance to corrosion and outdoor stability.

Practical value. The suggested protective coating based on full aluminosiloxane polymer can be used in various industries. The role of oxide and silicate fillers in the protective coatings was evaluated to provide the task-oriented control over the performance properties of the coatings in a wide range of temperature.

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Date 2016-06-21 Filesize 783.4 KB Download 750

Tags: coatingpolyorganosiloxanesprotective efficiencycorrosion resistanceweather resistancehydro­pho­bi­ci­tywater absorptionlimiting wetting angle