Content №4 2021

Geology 5
Y. V. Ponomareva, M. V. Ponomareva, A. V. Sadchikov, N. V. Zhelayeva A model of the tectonic development of Irtysh shear zone in terms of present day radioisotope data 5
Mining 10
I. A. Salieiev, V. I. Bondarenko, H. A. Symanovych, I. A. Kovalevska Development of a methodology for assessing the expediency of mine workings decommissioning based on the geomechanical factor 10
I. I. Chudyk, Ya. M. Femiak, M. I. Orynchak, A. K. Sudakov, A. I. Riznychuk New methods for preventing crumbling and collapse of the borehole walls 17
B. Yu. Sobko, O. V. Lozhnikov, M. O. Chebanov, V. A. Kardash Substantiating rational schedule to load trucks using draglines while mining a pit of Motronivskyi MPP 23
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 29
A. V. Bublikov, P. I. Pilov, N. S. Pryadko, Yu. A. Papaika, K. V. Ternova Automatic control of jet grinding on the basis of acoustic monitoring of mill operating zones 29
M. Bourourou, A. Bouzenzana, T. Batouche, A. Benselhoub Composition and processing of sulphide lead-zinc ores from Chaabet El-Hamra mine (Setif, Algeria) 35
L. I. Solonenko, S. I. Repiakh, K. I. Uzlov, I. Mamuzich, O. P. Bilyi, T. V. Kimstach Water resistance of structured sand-sodium-silicate mixtures 41
V. V. Sobolev, O. S. Kovrov, M. M. Nalisko, N. V. Bilan, O. A. Tereshkova Compound physical and mechanical effects stimulating metastable diamond formation 47
Ye. O. Mishchuk, I. I. Nazarenko, D. O. Mishchuk Definition of rational operating modes of a vibratory jaw crusher 56
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 63
H. Nazarenko Analytical and experimental assessment of screw centrifugal pump at improving its design 63

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