Theoretical and methodological foundations for maintaining of sustainable development of cities and metropolitan agglomerations

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Z.V. Herasymchuk, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Lutsk National Technical University, Head of Training and Research Centre of Postgraduate Education,Lutsk, Ukraine

M.F. Averkyna, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Lutsk National Technical University, Management and Marketing Department, Lutsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To substantiate the criteria and prerequisites ensuring sustainable development of cities and agglomerations with consideration given to features in behavior of the basic and supporting urban subsystems. The concepts of “development”, “sustainability” and “sustainable development of the city (metropolitan agglomeration)” are in the research area.

Methodology. The definition of the city as a logistics system reveals basic and supporting urban subsystems, the notion of which contributes to the development of the criteria of urban sustainable development.

Findings. The research proves that the city is a logistics system. The given criteria work if preconditions for sustainable development of cities and agglomerations provided balanced. These preconditions are as follows: adaptation of cities to internal and external factors that helps to maintain social, ecological and economic security; the rate of change in consumption of resources and their structure (i.e. more efficient use of domestic renewable resources due to reallocation of urban flows as compared with non-renewable external ones); the balance between consumption and reproduction of socio- ecological and economic resources; the expanded reproduction of socio- ecological and economic resources.

Scientific novelty. Originality is observed in the definition of “sustainable development of the city (metropolitan agglomeration)” based on the researched approaches to understanding of such concepts as “development” and “sustainability”, which allowed determining the criteria and prerequisites for sustainable development of cities and metropolitan agglomeration. The author's understanding of the terms “city”, “development”, “sustainability” is given.

Practical value. Presented criteria and prerequisites for sustainable development of the city (metropolitan area) will contribute to the development of methodical approach in the diagnostics of efficiency in maintaining of the urban sustainable development and to the identification of priority tools appropriate to increase the efficiency in urban sustainable development maintenance.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.5 2014 Economy and management Theoretical and methodological foundations for maintaining of sustainable development of cities and metropolitan agglomerations