Improvement of the quality of control of the electric drives with indirect speed measurement

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R.A. Chepkunov, VAT NDI “Peretvoriuvach”, Research Scientist, Zaporizhia, Ukraine

D.I. Levinzon, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Classic private University, Head of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Zaporizhia, Ukraine


Purpose. Generalization of the results of studies of the electric drive features with indirect speed measuring associated with the presence of the positive current feedback, with the significant voltage feedback pulsations in DC motor, with display of instability of the induction motor, and consideration of their practical use to improve the control quality.

Methodology. The methods for improving of the control quality through: full compensation of droop mechanical characteristics of the motor at a certain average temperature of the windings with the assumption of overcompensation by the temperature changes; reducing of the inertia of the voltage sensor by a digital smoothing its signal in the microprocessor control system in DC drive; sustain of stability of the induction motor in AC drive.

Findings. Defined the fields of stability of control system at positive current feedback in DC drive and at active current feedback in asynchronous electric drive. Defined the fields of stability of control loop with thyristor converter at digital smoothing of feedback signal. Defined the fields of stability of the induction motor as a function of the coefficient of the magnetic flux scattering, electromechanical time constant, time constants of the stator and rotor. Substantiated the control structures and system parameters that provide quality control of the electric drives.

Originality. Methods of choosing the parameters of the speed controller at the positive current feedback. Conditions of stability of control loop with thyristor converter at digital smoothing of feedback signal. Stability boundaries of the induction motor subject to thecoefficient of the magnetic flux scattering, electromechanical time constant and the time constants of rotor and stator. Improvement of the control structures of electric drives with the indirect speed measuring.

Practical value. Implementation of the results of research in electric AC and DC drives produced by Zaporizhia Electrical Apparatus Plant and Science Research Institute of the Power Electronics. 


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.3 2014 Electrical complexes and systems Improvement of the quality of control of the electric drives with indirect speed measurement