Analysis of the ways of increase of borehole pump axial stages effectiveness

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I.P. Kaplun, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Sumy State University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Sumy, Ukraine.

M.B. Oprysko, Sumy State University, postgraduate student of the Department of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Sumy, Ukraine.

A. Ruprecht, Dr. Ing., University of Stuttgart, Vice director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, Stuttgart, Germany.


Purpose. Determination of promising ways of raising the efficiency of the small-sized axial-flow stages with low specific speed designed for use in artesian borehole pumps for water supply.

Methodology. We have considered the general energy balance of the small-sized axial-flow stage with low specific speed and analyzed the types of energy loss in it. The ratio of different types of losses has been determined by calculation method, and the most important between them have been identified. The results have been compared with the data received by numerical simulation and experiment.

Findings. It was found that the hydraulic losses in the small-sized axial-flow stage with low specific speed are almost by an order of magnitude higher than other types of losses. Their reduction can be considered as a promising way of increase of the efficiency of the stage. We have proposed to achieve lower values of hydraulic losses and reduce the axial force on the rotor of the pump by positive liquid rotation at the entrance of the impeller input.

Originality. We have substantiated the effectiveness of the impeller blade installation angles reduce in the small-sized axial-flow stage with low specific speed to decrease the level of hydraulic losses in its channels.

Practical value. Application of the proposed ways to improve the energy efficiency of the small-sized axial-flow stage with low specific speed allows creating new energy-efficient pumps for lifting potable water from artesian wells


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.2 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Analysis of the ways of increase of borehole pump axial stages effectiveness