Formation of geotechnical properties of the rock mass adjacent to tunnels by roll pressing
S.V. Zaichenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", Senior Lecturer, Kyiv, Ukraine.
S.P. Shevchuk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", Head of the Department, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Purpose. To create the model of the formation process of geotechnical properties of the rock mass adjoining underground excavation by roller compaction method taking into account hardening and slow plastic deformation zone creating.
Methodology. We have simulated the main technological parameters of the tunnel adjoining rock mass treatment: distribution of standard pressure and bulb of pressure height depending on deformation behavior, and strength of rock; and geometry and features of contact zone between roller working element and the surface being treated.
Findings. We have substantiated the choice of the computational model of the adjoining rock contour properties formation by roller method taking into account the emerging soil deformation processes: appearance of elastic and plastic deformation, changing of soil characteristics, and occurrence of core compaction. We have determined the main stages and the interrelations between the parameters of modeling of the tunnel adjoining zone treatment process.
Originality. We have developed the method of analysis of contact interaction between the roller working body of molding machine and rock. It takes into account the changes in the stabilization process of physical and mechanical properties of the treated medium. It serves for prediction of the required pressure and depth of the formed layer.
Practical value. The theoretical basis for the tunnel adjoining rock geotechnical properties formation by roller method taking into account the peculiarities of soil deformation and contact interaction of working body with the environment allows improving the tunnel construction technology by strengthening the carrying capacity of adjoining rock. The results obtained allow determining parameters of the elastic and plastic deformations zone in order to establish its height and stresses.
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