Energy characteristics of low frequency electromagnetic fields
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- Category: Electrical complexes and systems
- Last Updated on 16 July 2014
- Published on 21 March 2014
- Hits: 4034
M.V. Grafkina, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Head of the Department of Ecological Safety of Motor Transport, Moscow, Russia.
B.N. Nyunin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Professor of the Department of Ecological Safety of Motor Transport, Moscow, Russia.
A.D. Potapov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Head of the Department of Engineering Geology and Geo-Ecology, Moscow, Russia.
Ye.Yu. Sviridova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecological Safety of Motor Transport, Moscow, Russia.
Purpose. Definition the energy characteristics of low-frequency electromagnetic fields to improve environmental monitoring and protection methods in the mining industry.
Methodology. The method of determining the active and reactive intensity of low-frequency electromagnetic field, the technique of calculating the integrated intensity of the vector and the distance to the source.
Findings. The proposed approach to the definition of the energy characteristics of low-frequency electromagnetic fields might identify their distribution, identify sources that make maximum contribution to the level of electromagnetic pollution and develop the most effective tips and techniques to reduce the negative effects of electromagnetic fields in the mining industry.
Originality. The new approach to improve the monitoring of electromagnetic safety by determining the energy characteristics of low-frequency electromagnetic fields.
Practical value. Improved monitoring and electromagnetic methods of protection from electromagnetic fields.
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2014-07-16 141.3 KB 1044