Choice of methods to increase productivity in manganese mines during manganese ore production

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V.I. Zalevskaya, PAO “Marganetskiy Gorno-Obogatitelnyi Kombinat”, Engineer-Technologist, Marganets, Ukraine.

V.F. Gankevich, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mining Machines and Engineering, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

O.Yu. Nagornaya, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Taking into consideration the fact, that ore extraction is connected with layer working out in hard conditions (enhanced humidity, abrasive dust, noise, vibration etc.), the actuality arises to increase mechanization of extraction drifts in conditions of manganese mines. It is necessary to simplify technological scheme of a mine, to avoid expensive and complex elements, also to enhance reliability of operating equipment in order to increase the efficiency of underground extraction method.

Methodology. By means of the comparative analysis of mechanization media and ore extraction technology we have found methods of increase of their operating characteristics.

Findings. The causes of out-planned stops of equipment have been revealed due to statistical treatment of operation results. The energy consumption of manganese ore extraction process has been decreased by simplification of technological scheme. It is recommended to enhance productivity of extraction drifts forwarding by usage of forwarding shield FS-3,5 instead of shield forwarding complex FSK or KDR (KMS) combines, after analysis of technological process of manganese ore extraction by underground method. It will allow decreasing self cost of 1 ton of ore by 5–8%.

Originality. We have formulated the criterion of evenness of the correction of the driving shield position in space for real operating conditions. We have obtained the analytical dependence of the shield shifting on the misalignment of mine tunnel.

Practical value. The findings can contribute to reducing of labour consumption during extraction drifts forwarding and decreasing of 1 ton of ore self cost per section and per mine; reducing of capital costs on mines construction; decreasing of shield metal consumption; preservation of outside surface and agricultural areas; the damage of mining work is not significant, because soil and water horizons are not destroyed. It allows working out the areas with deep deposits disposition, and working out of deposit areas near contour. 




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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.1 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Choice of methods to increase productivity in manganese mines during manganese ore production