Factors of increase of ukrainian mineral reserve base of raw semiprecious stones
О.А. Proskuryakov, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
Purpose. To determine the factors increasing the mineral reserve base of raw semiprecious stones of Ukraine and correlations between them.
Methodology. Generalization of geological information about localization of semiprecious stones (deposits and manifestations, natural outcrops), generalization and simulation of the results of gemological research carried out in the south-eastern part of Ukraine.
Findings. We have determined the impact of each of four factors (geological, gemological, mining, and technological) on cost parameters: reduction of the production costs, and increase of the market value of the raw materials. South-eastern part of Ukraine appeared to be the region with unique reserves of semiprecious stones. We have determined priority sites for mineral reserve base of raw semiprecious stones development.
Originality. We have substantiated that the development of mineral reserve base of raw semiprecious stones should comply with the principle of consistency and include the stages of exploration work, gemological estimation, identification of rational methods of extraction and efficient technologies for raw material processing. Each subsequent stage should be based on the positive results of the previous.
Practical value. We have developed the methodology of assessment of raw semiprecious stones deposits as investment-attractive objects.
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