Research of network traffic entropy as a DDOS-attack indicator
- Details
- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 09 May 2014
- Published on 16 April 2013
- Hits: 3790
Т.V. Babenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Head of Information Computer Complex, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Рurpose. In order to improve the efficiency of IDS (intrusion detection systems), ADS (anomaly detection system) and information security systems management we perform theoretical and experimental studies on the possibility of using the real-time calculated values of information entropy as a basic indicator of attacks of network services.
Methodology. Applied methods include collecting statistical information on IP network normal mode performance, modeling of processes that cause IP network abnormal states, collecting statistical information on the network performance under DDOS-attacks at network services, determining the rolling window optimal size, calculation of information entropy values and their comparison to the reference values for this IP network.
Findings. The values of information entropy calculated in real time with the use of the rolling window method are an effective indicator of anomalous IP network states and can be used for intrusion detection in information security systems management.
Originality. The algorithm for calculating the information entropy allowing significant speeding up the calculations in comparison with the classical algorithm by using a moving window method and performing them in real time has been proposed.
Practical value. The new method of the information entropy computing based on theoretical and experimental studies allows using this indicator to analyze network traffic in real time in IDS, MDS and ADS systems.
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