Formation of innovative-integrated quality control system of agrarian higher education
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 19 March 2014
- Published on 26 February 2013
- Hits: 4325
O.V. Rodionov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Lugansk National Agrarian University, Senior Instructor of the Department of Economy of Enterprise and Labour Resources Management, Lugansk, Ukraine
A.V. Cherkasov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Personnel Training Institute of State Employment Service of Ukraine, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economy, Ukraine
Purpose. To form the innovative-integrated control system of agrarian higher education quality.
Methodology. Achievement of the purpose was based on the usage of methods of synthesis, induction, abstraction and design. During the research the system approach and separate methods of mathematical analysis were utilized.
Findings. The chart of innovative-integrated control system of agrarian higher education quality has been developed. The structure of the network of educational-scientific centers of regional innovative-integrated control system of agrarian higher education quality has been grounded. The analytical tools for study of the regional control system of agrarian higher education functioning processes have been developed.
Originality. The methodical bases of formation of the innovative-integrated control system of agrarian higher education have been improved. This is based on the structured connection of its key elements by information channels and provides for alteration of network of the regional integrated systems. Also the analytical tool of optimum allocation of resources between establishments of regional innovative-integrated control system of agrarian higher education has been improved, by the construction of matrix of scenario variants of key results and proper sources of their receipt.
Practical value. We have offered the structural elements and the analytical tool that can be utilized in the process of alteration of regional quality control system of higher education. The practical value of the research results is confirmed by the use the developments in practice for regional systems of higher education management. Research results have been implemented and utilized by the Lugansk regional council.
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2014-03-19 554.3 KB 1306
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