Modeling of ore release in a ball mill from a perspective of control

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Ye.V. Kochura, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Faris Samir Rasmi Alhuri, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of the principles of automation of ball mills operating in series with the magnetic separators.

Methodology. Theoretical studies of the ore release process and experimental testing of the theoretical dependence of the separator magnetic field induction on the grade of ore grinded in the mill.

Findings. We suggest the mathematical model of technological complex, which consists of a ball mill concatenated with a magnetic separator and give the mathematical description of iron ore release process by grinding. Modeling of magnetic field strength changes in separator working area caused by the influence of crushed magnetic product has been carried out. The obtained results show that, from a perspective of control, at the second stage of ore reduction in magnetic separation process the drum magnetic separator turns out to be a natural automatic analyzer of the quality of ore release by grinding in the ball mill concatenated with the separator.

Mass fraction of iron in concentrate contained by magnetic separator after enrichment of the product of ball mill grinding is a measure of the iron ore release and it is inversely proportional to the particle size of the solid phase of pulp in the ball mill discharge. This relation in the contrast with dependence of the mass fraction of iron on the particle size of solid phase of pulp in sink of classifying system allows us to control in direct way the ore release in the mill by means of changing the movement speed of the ore and by managing the water inflow in the mill.

Originality. In technological complex of iron ore magnetic separation, consisting of the central discharge ball mill concatenated with drum magnetic separator, the mass fraction of iron in the concentrate of magnetic separator and the radial component of the magnetic field of the separator working area are inversely proportional to the degree of release and size of ore received after grinding in the ball mill. Unlike the automatic control of the particle size of the solid phase of the pulp in the ball mill discharge, the defined dependence allows us to effect automatic control over required fineness of ore grinding in the mil which provides disclosure of ore with varying physical and mechanical properties by means of control over volume of the radial component of the magnetic field.

Practical value. The adjustment of density of the pulp in ball mill discharger by means of control over volume of the radial component of the magnetic field in the working area of the magnetic separator concatenated with the ball mill can be used as a iron ore release control tool on the of in the second stage of ore reduction by magnetic separation.



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