Statistical research of equivalent electric resistance of the heterogeneous current-carrying medium at its electroerosive processing on an example of granules of aluminum in water
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- Category: Electrical complexes and systems
- Last Updated on 19 March 2014
- Published on 26 February 2013
- Hits: 4634
S.M. Zakharchenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Electromagnetic Systems, Kyiv, Ukraine
Purpose. To carry out the statistical research of dependence of equivalent electric resistance of heterogeneous current-carrying mediums at them electroerosive processing from voltage of discharge pulses for the registration of a stochastic component of its change.
Methodology. On the labware with use of analogue-digital data storage oscillograph HAMEG HM 1507-3 we have carried out a series of experimental tests of dependences of equivalent electric resistance of granules Al submerged in tap water, and tests of voltage and current dependences of discharge pulses from reference voltage of the shaper. The data obtained was subject to statistical processing. Mathematical expectation, variance, parameter of variability and relative average deviation from expectation have been defined.
Findings. Dependences of the mathematical expectation, the variance, the parameter of variability and a relative average deviation from expectation of equivalent electric resistance of Al granules in tap water have been obtained at them electroerosive dispersion from reference voltage of the shaper. We have shown that the dependences of expectation and variance of equivalent resistance on voltage can be approximated by hyperbolic functions. The higher is the reference voltage the lower are their values. This testifies the increase of stability of process with increase of voltage of pulses in the investigated range. We have received following: maximum values of the parameter of variability by regulation of the reference voltage are observed for equivalent electric resistance of the medium, and minimum – for amplitude of voltage. This testifies that properties of resistance of the granulated current-carrying mediums naturally cause stochastic changes of the electrical parameters of the system.
Originality. For the first time the statistical characteristics of the equivalent electrical resistance of heterogeneous current-carrying mediums on an example of granules Al in tap water have been considered during electroerosive dispersion and the electrical parameters of discharge pulses have been studied.
Practical value. The offered approach allows raising efficiency of the analysis of instability of electric parameters in the system including the generator of discharge pulses and the volume electroerosive loading.
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