Calculation of hydrotransport parameters during the inwashing of tailing pits

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Authors: V.B. Bobrov, A.V. Georgieva, V.G. Skosyrev
The mode of distributed inwashing of tailing pits is in common use at iron-ore mining and processing enterprises of Krivoi Rog basin. Using of this mode means that a pulp from main pipeline built along the dam is fed to the tailing pit through uniformly disposed outlets. The article offers a new procedure of calculation of overcritical running regimes of complexes of cleaning rejects storing, which for the first time takes into account the number, diameter and length of outlets as well as distance between them. The calculation procedure is meant for determination of metering-head characteristics of systems of cleaning rejects storing and allows determining velocity of slurry flow running through each of outlets.
2010_11-12 Bob
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.11-12 2010 Solid-state physics, mineral processing Calculation of hydrotransport parameters during the inwashing of tailing pits