Electrokinetic features of interaction of gold complexes with quartz surface
Authors: N.V. Bilan, V.L. Pashkova
The article examines terms of double electric layer formation on the surface of quartz being in solution. Influence of рН of the solutions on the forms of the gold complex compounds transfer and their deposition on the quartz matrix has been analyzed. The results indicate the significance of the deformed superficial bonds Si‑Si{111} in the interaction processes at gold interfaces. It confirms the supposition about phased development of gold silicide-like bonds formation processes. Development of the research opens effective ways of ascertainment of molecular structure of silicide-like mass of the system and specification of mechanism of layers division. The article describes processes of complex formation and extraction of gold both on the submicrolevel (nanostate) and on the microlevel of superficial layer (cluster).
2010_11-12 Bil | |
2012-12-14 324.78 KB 1593 |