Development of scientific-methodical principles of increase of systems “colliers – longwall set of equipment” rea-diness to high-performance and safe work

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Authors: V.G. Shevchenko
The scientific-methodical principles ensuring the increase of readiness of the systems “colliers – longwall set of equipment” to high-performance and safe work are substantiated and designed. As a basis of principles it is assumed the designed complex criteria of estimations of reliable and safe operation of highly-loaded longwalls, as composite technological systems, subject to specific features, psychophysical, biomechanical parameters of the colliers, probability of the well-timed and error-free solution of a task by them.
2010_09-10 Shev
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.9-10 2010 Environmental safety, labour protection Development of scientific-methodical principles of increase of systems “colliers – longwall set of equipment” rea-diness to high-performance and safe work