Composition and quality of coal of the Petrovsky deposit of the North Donbass carboniferous area and the basic directions of its use
Authors: E.A. Kuzmenko
General characteristic of industrial productive coal formation of the Petrovskoe deposit sites is considered. Materials on petrographic composition of coals are analyzed and generalized. The short description and a quantitative estimation of the maintenance of group macerals in coal are given. The basic technological indicators of coal quality of basic coal layers are investigated and their element structure is studied. The rank composition of coals of area is defined agrees operating classifications, both domestic, and foreign. Directions of rational use of coals of area are offered.
2010_09-10 Kuz | |
2012-12-14 318.73 KB 1378 |
Tags: coal bed • petrography • chemical-technolo-gical features • coal quality • rank of coal • use directions