Properties of soil created by means of layerwise mine-technical and biological recultivation
Authors: Ye.A. Voron.
In natural geological environment quaternary sediments have qualities of the system where rocks with high filterability are pervious to water, rocks with bad filterability (clay) are waterproof, and sands or loess-like rocks accumulate water. Anthropogenic geological environment created with inside and outside dump leads to disfunction of water cycle. It is possible to recover the qualities of natural geological environment with the technology of layerwise mine technical and biological recultivation. General artificial porosity and the height of capillary rise of liquid in plants have been defined.
2010_05 Voron | |
2012-12-14 424.74 KB 1520 |
Tags: technology of layer mine-technical and biological recultivation • loesslike rocks • zone of aeration • plane rootage • general roots surface • general artificial porosity • the high of capillary rise
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