Comparative researches of disks axial and trasmission brakes of mine locomotive

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Authors: Protsiv V.V., Monia A.H., Honchar O.Ye.
Dignities and lacks of disks axial and transmissions brakes are analysed. The calculations of braking distance and brake moment are conducted depending on speed of locomotive before braking. It is necessary to consider the multilevel backuping of the brakes systems for heavy mines locomotives working on the slopes of way to 50 ‰. Such locomotives must have and disk transmission brake, as more effective, and disks axial brakes, as more safe. It is well-proven that than the heavier transported composition or anymore slope of way on lowering, the brake moment can be attached to the wheelpair, for the exception of its blocking and derangement of triping.
2010_4 Proziv
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.4 2010 Mechanics and Mining Machinery Comparative researches of disks axial and trasmission brakes of mine locomotive