Substantiation of flowsheets of experimental mine gas generator
Authors: Falshtynskyi V.S., Dychkovskyi P.O., Stanchik K., Sviadrovski Ye., Lozynskyi V.H.
Making rockmass geological analysis of experimental mines in Poland, the possible technological schemes of underground coal gasification are considered. After conducted researches are set that the coal seam opening by two vertical boreholes and mechanical crosscut from the underground mine workings are most favorable. For effective conducting the process of gasification the pulsating blowing mixture is offered. The article is created on the basis of international research project realization: «HUGE: Hydrogen Oriented Underground Coal Gasification for Europe», which is financed by the European fund «Coal and Steel».
2010_3 Falshtynskij | |
2012-12-14 723.16 KB 1394 |
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